Karnataka University Dharwad which is established in 1949. And is one of the top Universities in Karnataka. The KUD will offer the UG and PG courses in different fields and studies. The university is notable for its alumni. And at present it’s one of the best university in Karnataka. And the entrance exams for PG courses 2020 are notified and now exam dates are announced. The exams are conducting in October due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally now the dates of exams are announced.
The Entrance examination dates for all PG courses 2020 are announced by Karnataka University Dharwad. The examination dates are announced officially by the University Notifications. As of now exams will start from October third week. All departments will be conducting exam on the different dates as per the notification. And the entrance exams are compulsory to take seat in any PG centres.
Download link is provided below go down the page to download the notification
The entrance exam consists of one paper containing 50 multiple choice questions. All departments conduct the exams in same pattern. The candidates should prepare for the subject they opted for entrance exam. All questions are compulsory. And there is no negative marking in the entrance exam. Duration of exam is 75minutes. And in the 50MCQs each question carry 2marks mean that the total marks of entrance is 100marks. The exam conducted is offline and there is no online entrance. OMR sheets are given to candidates at the time of exam and told to be shade the OMR sheet.
Along with the exam dates the notification also contains the scheduled date for the counselling and the venue for counselling of all departments and important dates of counselling are also provided. Go through the notifications below to get all the information.
Click on the below link to download the official KUD notification regarding PG entrance exam dates 2020