In this article, we will be sharing with you CSIR NET Application Form 2021 – Procedure for applying online – How to Apply Online, Fees structure of CSIR NET Exam June 2021.

As you all already know the CSIR-NET Application Form 2021 (Released) is officially on December 3. And the mode of application is online. The exam date is already announced it will be on January 2022.
If you already know about the application details. If you are wishing to fill up the application before you proceed to fill up the online application you should know the steps and complete details about the online application like where to apply, how to apply, what are the necessary things you should have to apply and what are the required eligibility criteria for CSIR NET APPLICATION JUNE 2021.
If you are not yet seen the Information Bulletin by UGC CSIR NET check it here
CSIR NET CSIR NET Application Form 2021 – Details
Before we start the procedure for applying online let us look at the important dates and events for CSIR NET June 2021.
CSIR NET JUNE 2021 Events | Important Dates |
Start Date CSIR NET Application Form 2021 | December 3, 2021 |
Last Date of CSIR NET Application Form 2021 | January 2, 2022 |
CSIR NET 2021 Form submission fee last date | January 3, 2022 |
CSIR NET Correction Form Process | Jan 5 to Jan 9, 2022 |
Exams Dates | January 29, 2022 (expected) |
How to fill CSIR NET Application Form 2021?
The first and foremost question is that how to fill CSIR NET Application form. The answer is simple you first need to visit the official website of CSIR NET i.e. The online application process is already started on its official website. But before you move on to the official site you must know every detail about the online application. So that it will be easy for you when you are going to apply online.
Let’s get started, with CSIR NET Application Form 2021 – Procedure for applying online:
There are mainly four steps are there in CSIR NET Application Form which includes:
- Registration
- Application Form
- Photo & Document Upload
- Fee Payment
Step 1- Registration for CSIR NET June 2021
The first step in the CSIR NET Application is to do registration.
The CSIR NET June 2021 Registration Process involves :
- Personal Details
- Contact Details
- Permanent Address
- Choose Password
- Security Pin
If you already registered then you may need to go to log in with your application number and password.
If you are a new user and want to apply for it then you must do the registration first. The registration process is so simple and it will not take much time to get registered.

The steps for CSIR NET 2021 Application are as follows:
- Firstly, you visit the official CSIR NET website –
- After that, you need to click on “Joint CSIR-UGC NET June 2021: Fill Registration Form”.
- Then you will get a new page for New Registration or Sign In for Registered Candidates will appear.
- If you are not yet registered then click on ‘New Registration‘. If you are Already Registered then you need to Sign In and follow the instructions from Step 2 below.

- When you click on New Registration, you will get a page containing a list of instructions for you, before proceeding to apply. Read all the instructions carefully.
- Then Click on the Check-box at the end of the Instructions to accept the terms and conditions.
- Then click on the ‘Click Here to Proceed’ button.
- Now you will be moved to a new page in which you need to Enter your ‘Personal Details‘ like your name, father’s name, mother’s name, DOB, Address, etc). You must and should remember this- these details you enter should be as per your Class 10 or equivalent course marks card.
- Then you need to add your Contact Details which include your Postal Address, Phone Number, Email ID. If your contact and ‘Permanent Address‘ are the same then click same as Contact Address. And proceed further.
- You have to create ‘Password‘ and Choose ‘Security Question‘. The password must be 8 or more characters and must have letters, special characters and numbers in it.
- After filling in the personal details click on ‘Submit’.
- And now you should check out all the details you entered and ‘Verify and Confirm’ the details. Click on all the checkboxes after verifying them and click on ‘Yes’ and ‘Final Submit’.
- As soon as you finish the Registration Step the Application Number will be sent to your Email and also a Text Message sent to your phone.
- You will have to remember the Application Number and Password to Log In and fill up further application steps.
Step 2- Fill up the Application Form details of CSIR NET June 2021
In this second step, you will have to fill up the Application Form in which you need to enter your education details like your specialisation subject, graduation and post-graduation details and your aggregate mars etc.
You should enter all the correct information here. Otherwise, your application may get rejected.
There are four major details you need to enter in Step 2- Application Form depending on your eligibility which is as follows:
- Personal Details
- Apply For
- Education Details
- Doctorate Details

Personal Details
- First, you need to enter your ‘Personal Details‘ which include Candidate’s Name, DOB, Gender and parent names etc.
- The name will already be there as you are already registered before in Step 1. If you found a mistake you can correct it again here. Note that Name and Personal Details should be as in your Class 10 or equivalent marks card.
- Then you need to enter Nationality. And you need to add your category whether you have General, OBC-NCL, SC-ST.
- If you are a PwD Candidate you can select Yes, and also another option if you are a Diabetic Patient than select ‘Yes’.
Apply For

- In the next step of the Application form, you need to enter the details regarding what you are ‘Applying For‘.
- Here you need to select the options ‘Apply For‘ to choose whether you are applying for JRF or Lectureship.
- Then you need to select the Subject Opted for NET Exam depending on your course. You will get options for Life Science, Chemical Science, Earth Science etc. Choose your preferred subject.
- Next is Specialization, this is the subject which you took in your Post Graduation course. If you are a Botany student Choose Botany, if you are Zoology choose Zoology. It depends on what specialisation you took in your PG.
- Then you need to select the Language of the Question Paper. There are two languages you can choose in CSIR NET EXAM- English and Hindi. Depending on your need and the medium you choose it. English will be most preferable!
- After that, you need to select the Examination Centers i.e. Choice for Exam City, there you can select four cities in the list given. First, you need to select your State preference and then select the four cities of your choice in the list provided where exams will be held.
Education Details
- Education Details is where you need to enter your Graduation and Post-Graduation details. These details are a must to appear for CSIR NET Exam.
- To apply for CSIR NET Exam you must be completed your Graduation and you should be studying in Post-Graduation first or second or any semester does not matter. Or you must have completed Post Graduation. If you are just completed Graduation and you aren’t admitted to any Post Graduation course then you are not eligible for the exam. At least you should be admitted to Post Graduation after your graduation to apply for it.
- In the first box of Education qualification, you need to enter your Graduation Course (B.Sc or equivalent degree) details like – Pass Status, Year of Passing/appearing, Course/Stream Name, Examination From, University/Institute, Result Mode, Obtained Marks, Total Marks, Percentage(%), Date of Admission, Institute Name & Address and Institute Pincode.
- As you did in the Graduation Course details similarly you need to enter your Post-Graduation details. If you are now joined or still Studying Student of Post-Graduation course then you need to select the ‘Results Awaited’ option in the Result Section of Post-Graduation details. So that you will further continue filling your application.
Doctorate Details.

- If you are already doing PhD or completed, this section is for you to fill up. You need to choose ‘No‘ if you are not a doctoral student.
- If ‘Yes‘, then you need to enter the University Name where admission has been taken and the Exam Year if you are completed. And lastly, the Department Name where the admission has been taken.

- Specialization and Minority Details
- Then if you have any specialization details you can fill them up. And if you belong to Minority Choose ‘Yes‘.
- After all these details enter the Security Pin and Submit.
- You will be directed to a Confirmation Page, to check all details you entered are correct or not. After clicking all the checkboxes then you are done with the Step 2 Application form for CSIR NET.
- You will be redirected to the Home Page of your Log in Screen, now you need to complete steps 3 and 4.
Step 3- Uploading Photograph and Signature and Category Certificate

- Once you are done with Step 1 and Step 2, then in Step 3 you will need to Upload the Documents which include your Photograph, Signature and Category Certificate.
- Firstly, you need to upload your Passport Size Photograph, which may be a colour or black and white photo. It should have a white background and contain your Name and Date of Photograph. It should be in JPG/JPEG format.
- Your photo size should be between 10 to 200KB and have a width of 3.5cm height of 4.5cm (3.5cm x 4.5cm) in dimension. If your photo size is more than that, there you will get an option to crop the image and compress it on that page itself don’t worry!
- Once you have the photo on your device then click on ‘Choose File‘ and select the photo. Once you select your photo there will be a button appearing on the Action column ‘Upload‘. Select it and upload your photograph.
- Likewise, you should have your Signature Photograph. Write your Signature on a white sheet with a dark or ball pen. And take a clear photograph of it.
- The size of the Signature photograph should be between 4 to 30KB, having 3.5 cm in (length) x 1.5 cm in (Height) dimension, in JPG/JPEG format only. ‘Choose File’ and in the Action column, click on ‘Upload’. Your signature photo will be uploaded.
- Lastly, you need to upload your Category Certificate which should be in PDF format only. The size of the PDF file should be between 50 to 300KB. Once you have the File then ‘Choose File‘ and ‘Upload‘ it.
- After uploading all three required documents you need to type ‘Security Pin‘ which you get on your page while uploading as shown in the image.
- Finally ‘Submit‘ it. Your documents are now uploaded successfully. You will be redirected to the ‘Home‘ page again. You are now ready for Step 4.
Step 4 – Make Payment
- In Step 4, you have to ‘Make Payment‘ of Exam Fees. If you are not aware of the CSIR NET Exam Fees here’s the chart below check out : Category Application Fee For General Category Candidates/General EWS ₹ 1000 For OBC (Non-creamy layer) ₹ 500 For SC/ST/Third Gender ₹ 250 PwD NIL
- You have to pay the fee through an online payment. Select the ‘Online Payment‘ option and click on ‘Proceed for Payment’, then you will get a Pop-Up message saying ‘Are you sure you want to go for Fee Payment?’. If you are confident about every step are correctly done click on the ‘OK‘.
- Next, you will be taken to the Payment Page. You will get the User details. Then you select the ‘Payment Provider‘ through which you wish to make payment. Click on ‘Proceed for Payment’
- Then select the Payment Mode of your choice (Debit/ Credit Card/ Net Banking/ UPI). If you are doing with SBI MOPS. Follow these steps below.
- You will get the dashboard as in the below image. Choose which is convenient for you. Make payment.
- Once you have done the payment through one of the above methods. You will be notified as ‘Payment Successful‘. And you are redirected to the ‘Home‘ page of the CSIR NET Application Login Page.
- It’s Done !! The application filling process of CSIR NET is completed. All Four Steps will be marked with Green Tick. And you will get a button to ‘Download Confirmation Page‘. Keep the Confirmation Page with you safely.
- The application process is not yet completed wait! Follow these below steps and verify your Mobile Number and Email id. to get further notifications and other information from CSIR. It will also help you to recover your password or application number if you forgot them.
Verify Mobile Number and Email ID for CSIR NET
You need to verify your Mobile Number and Email ID for the CSIR NET Application. It will be helpful if you forgot your password or Application number or have any issues with the Application. CSIR will contact you through SMS or Email.
As in the left bottom corner, you will get options to verify your mobile number and email id. Select them and get verified without fail.
That’s all about the CSIR NET Application Form 2021 Procedure for applying online and How to Apply Online, Fees of CSIR NET 2021. Hope this article helped you and made it easier for you to do all the process of filling the Application form for CSIR NET 2021. If you have any queries and doubts regarding the application process you can contact the CSIR via Query in the Top Menu bar or through CSIR mail id or can contact with helpline numbers. And you can also leave a comment below we will help you if we can. Thank you for reading this article, please give us less than a minute and comment below your feedback!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply online for CSIR NET 2021?
You can apply online for CSIR NET June 2021 by visiting the official CSIR NET website
Who can apply for CSIR NET EXAM? What are eligibility criteria?
To apply for CSIR NET Exam you must be completed your Graduation and you should be studying in Post-Graduation first or second or any semester does not matter. Or you must have completed Post Graduation.
What are the Steps for filling CSIR NET Online Application?
There are four steps involved in filling the CSIR NET Online Application. They are Registration, Application Form, Upload Documents and Payment.
What is the Last Date of CSIR NET Application Form 2021?
The Last Date of the CSIR NET Application Form is January 2, 2022.
What is the Last Date of CSIR NET 2021 Form Fee Submission?
The Last Date of the CSIR NET 2021 Form Fee Submission is January 3, 2022.
What is the date for the CSIR NET Form Correction Process?
The date for the CSIR NET Form Correction Process is Jan 5 to Jan 9, 2022.
What are the Exam Dates for CSIR NET June 2021?
The CSIR NET June 2021 exams will start on January 29, 2022. As per the official CSIR NET Twitter message.
What are the documents required for applying CSIR NET June 2021?
The documents required for CSIR NET Exam are a passport size Photograph, photograph of your Signature and also category certificate are required for applying for CSIR NET JUNE 2021.
What are the eligibility criteria for CSIR NET 2021?
You can check out by clicking here the complete details of eligibility criteria for CSIR NET 2021
Which is the Suitable Web Browser to fill CSIR NET Application Form 2021?
To fill CSIR NET Application Form 2021 you can use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Brave browsers. All the latest Web Browsers are suitable to fill CSIR NET Application Form 2021.
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